Plan for a Great Escape at the Sixth Annual Friends of Steve McQueen Car and Motorcycle ShowSomethings coming, I can feel it and its coming right around the corner at me- Steve McQueen as Hilts in The Great Escape.
Chino Hills, CA - Mark you calendar and make plans for your own great escape to The Sixth Annual Friends of Steve McQueen Car and Motorcycle Show. This year the show will salute The Great Escape and one of the King of Cools most well known characters, Hilts, The Cooler King. The event will benefit the Boys Republic and take place May 31 and June 1, 2013 on the beautiful Chino Hills, Calif. campus. The 2013 show will highlight motorcycles and German cars.
The 2012 event showcased more than 300 cars and motorcycles with 3,200 attendees and proceeds exceeded $150,000 net - all for a worthy cause. The beneficiaries of those dollars, the students of The Boys Republic, played their own integral roles by participating in varied aspects of the show.
The program will kick off Friday evening, May 31, with a dinner with automotive journalist and author, Matt Stone serving as Master of Ceremonies. Besides a delicious repast, prepared and served by students, festivities will include a silent auction, a display of memorabilia and a live auction.
The main event will take place Saturday, June 1 from 9-3.
Pre-registration is available at the website after January 1, 2013.
Arrival for pre-registered cars will begin at 7:00 a.m. and end at 9:00 a.m. on the day of the event.
Contact: Ron Harris
Telephone: 213-755-8405