Are there any pictures of Steve McQueen's Oakmont Drive house (in Brentwood, CA)?
What was the name of McQueen's production company?
Solar Productions.
What did Steve McQueen's signature look like?
What happened to Barbara Minty (Steve McQueen's third wife) and the house they lived in?
After Steve's death, Barbara Minty moved to Ketchum, Idaho. Chad McQueen inherited Steve's final residence in Santa Paula.
Steve and Barbara Minty (1980)
At the end of the movie Le Mans, Steve McQueen raises his hand with two fingers showing. What does it mean?
Steve salutes the Ferrari driver in "Le Mans."
The most common explanation is that this gesture is English in origin. Hundreds of years ago when the French and English were at war, the French would cut off the fingers of the English bowmen when captured so they couldn't use their bows anymore. The English bowmen would therefore taunt the French across enemy lines by using this particular gesture.
Some other ideas on the meaning of the salute sent to this site:Karen Turner has this explanation: "Being English, I can explain. The 2 fingered salute is a English gesture for F--k you. It originated as the salute of the bowmen against the French but was used by Winston Churchill in the 2nd world war during the height of the bombing of London to tell the Germans F-U, we won't quit. It is the opposite of the Victory sign which he used when England won a battle. This is a well known sign in the European military and as most drivers in La Mans would have understood it, being European, and the 2nd world war was in living memory it would have been fitting for the salute when he beat a German, in such a close race."
Chris Painter agrees with the "bowman" answer and writes, "The explanation of the origin of that famous picture where McQueen is holding up two fingers is absolutely correct. The symbol started as a way of mocking the French by saying "I've still got my finger". The tradition continued long after the relevance of having a middle finger to draw a bow with and at the end of WWII it took on a second meaning- a simple "V" for victory, as in victory in Europe. Many people also beleive that the modern "middle finger" gesture was derived from that "V".
And from an anonymous writer: "I believe this is a rather awkward interpretation for several reasons: 1/ I didn't know about this particular French tradition, and I don't believe any clues were given at US viewers to be able to understand it. 2/ it doesn't seem to fit the plot: why would this pilot would give "a sort of" finger to a guy he respects and is a sort of mythic opponent; as a matter of fact, they both end up smiling at each other; 3/ none of the two characters, neither actors, are either British of French and able to be aware about this potential historical gesture. Moreover, I think there is a simple and plausible explanation to this: if you watch the movie, you will realize that Steve McQueen is doing this sign to the German pilot Richter who was his main opponent during the race. At several occasion during the movie, we are reminded that they fought in previous races and that it is always a close call between the two. The end of the race turns out to be a very close competition between Porsches and Ferraris. And in the end, Porsche finally takes the two first positions (McQueen alias "Micheal Delaney" is second, and Richter's Ferrari is third..., after a rather intense fighting in the last lap of the race... I believe this is, fairly simply and consistently, why he shows two fingers."
Geoff Corrin from London may have found the answer.
Geoff writes: "Maston Gregory, who was a friend of Steve's, seems to have used this gesture after winning Le Mans several years before the movie was released. Maston Gregory won in 1965 but the film was made in 1971 (rereading the clip I realize this isn't clear, but the list of winners on wikipedia confirms).
I wouldn't say McQueen was copying Gregory, but maybe there was an element of an in-joke in the gesture, especially as Gregory was driving in the race that year and is credited in the film
Why Gregory was pulling a V sign in 1965 - who knows! "
Are there any pictures of Steve McQueen from his Marine days?
Steve at 17 (1947) during his first year in the US Marine Corps.
What happened to Steve McQueen's daughter Terry?
Terry Leslie McQueen, age 38, passed away on March 19, 1998 of respiratory failure at UCLA Medical Center, four months after undergoing a liver transplant. She was divorced and had one child.
Terry McQueen (right) with her mother Neile Adams
How many cars and motorcycles did McQueen have in his collection?
About 210 motorcyles, over 55 cars, five airplanes, and over ten thousand miscellaneous items. Most everything was auctioned off by his family in 1984.
What was Steve McQueen's full name?
Terrence Steven McQueen.
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